AC Compressor Shuts Off After a Few Seconds, How to Fix It?

Nowadays, most people love to turn on the AC in their home or office. It’s the norm today. That’s why it will be very disturbing if the air conditioner shuts off after a few seconds. This condition will make the AC unable to perform well. It pisses you off when the temperature is really hot, but your AC can’t freeze the air.

Why does the AC Compressor Shut Off After a Few Seconds?

First, we need to know why your AC compressor shuts off. This condition is called “short cycling.” Here are some reasons this condition happened:

  • Faulty Thermostat

The thermostat plays a crucial role in controlling your AC’s operation. If the thermostat is faulty or misreads the room’s temperature, it may cause your AC to short cycle, repeatedly turning on and off.

For example, a homeowner shared that their thermostat was placed near a heat source, causing the AC to turn off prematurely, thinking the room was already cooled. Ensuring the thermostat is correctly calibrated and placed away from any heat-generating appliances is important.

ac compressor shuts off after a few seconds
  • Wrong Thermostat Location

The placement of your thermostat is just as important as its functionality. For instance, one HVAC technician shared an experience where a thermostat was placed in direct sunlight, causing the AC to turn off prematurely.

Avoid placing the thermostat near windows or kitchens, as heat from these sources can cause false readings. Ideally, place your thermostat in a central location away from drafts and direct sunlight.

  • Clogged Air Filters

It’s very important always to check your AC’s components. Please clean all parts regularly to prevent clogged air filters caused by dust. This is especially true when your AC works constantly and your home is dusty.

  • Leakage of Refrigerant

The AC compressor relies on the refrigerant to cool your space. A low refrigerant level due to leaks can cause the compressor to overheat and shut off frequently.

One technician recounted a case where a customer ignored a small leak, leading to a significant drop in refrigerant and subsequent compressor failure. Regular maintenance and prompt repairs are essential to avoid such costly issues.

Why is My AC Compressor Overheating and Shutting Off?

You can check the machine when the AC compressor shuts off after a few seconds. It probably happens because the machine is overheating. When the machine is overheating, it will be difficult for each component to cool down between cycles. That’s why the short cycle happens and makes the compressor shut off.

But why is your AC compressor overheating? This is an important question. Your AC can overheat for several reasons.

For example, it happens because of the dirty condensing coils and refrigerant leakage. It also happens because of the clogged air filters, so the machine will work harder to cool down the temperature.

What do you do when an AC compressor starts and then shuts off?

Please be calm if your AC has a short cycle. You always have a solution to make your AC work normally. First, you can check the thermostat’s position. If it’s inappropriate, you can move it to the right place.

Check the last time you cleaned the air conditioner to see if the position was correct. Clean the AC, especially the air filters, to remove all clogs.

Please call an AC specialist so the problem can be easily detected, especially if the cause is refrigerant leakage or a faulty component. You can’t fix it alone, so you need to call an expert. But please ensure you choose the right person to fix your AC.

Now you know why the air conditioner shuts off after a few seconds and what to do when this happens. When your AC compressor has recovered, you must be careful when using it. Please use your AC wisely; always check it regularly to avoid the short cycle.

IssueCauseSuggested Action
Short CyclingFaulty or Misplaced ThermostatRecalibrate thermostat; avoid placing near heat sources
Compressor OverheatingDirty Coils, Low Refrigerant, Clogged Air FiltersRegular cleaning and maintenance; check refrigerant levels
Frequent Shut-offs (On and Off)Electrical Problems, Oversized Unit, Dirty Air FilterProfessional inspection; replace air filter regularly
Frozen CoilsRestricted Airflow, Dirty CoilsEnsure clean coils and proper airflow
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AirconMag is an experienced author and Air Conditioner expert. With years of practical experience in the field authored several informative articles on various aspects of AC unit, including installation, maintenance, and repair